Join the Plant Your Pantry Challenge!

Everything you need to start a garden
may be hidden in your pantry.

Did you know that you can grow your garden from your groceries?
You don't need a huge backyard, just your kitchen.
Come and learn how to grow food in five days using your common kitchen staples.
Join the "Plant Your Pantry" Challenge!

What is this
Plant Your Pantry Challenge all about?

This is a week-long challenge to find things to grow from stuff you already have.

Each day, you will be asked to grow something from your pantry. Items include beans, seeds, and other surprises

Women looking at seed packets.
Women looking at seed packets.

What's the time commitment?

Spend just 10-15 minutes growing plants from your pantry each day.

Each day, for five days, you will be emailed a five-minute "follow-along" video.

You'll also be invited to Join our GIY community (for free) and ask any troubleshooting questions there.

We are here to support YOU!

Laptop with Plant Your Pantry on it.
Laptop with Plant Your Pantry on it.

What happens
at the end of the challenge?

At the end of the challenge, if you played full-out, you would have learned how to grow at least five things from your pantry!

While you learn how to stretch your grocery staples during the challenge week, you can also earn a chance to win free seeds and giveaways for sharing the challenge with friends and family.

Rows of mason jars with food in them on a shelf.
Rows of mason jars with food in them on a shelf.

Join the "Plant Your Pantry" Challenge!